We want your move to be absolutely happy and easy! We want what is best for you!
“How can I obtain the absolute best price for my home?”
Unrivaled Marketing
When you sell your house, you will want to choose a realtor who will market your home professionally and lead to a sale! Keller Williams Realty is the number one real estate company in the United States by sales volume. You will be supported by top sales teams all the time. The more visible your property is to the public, the better your chances are of selling it. Nancy’s team will market your listing not only nationwide, but also in the Asian market. We assure that all Realtors know about your sale and all potential buyers see your property.
Your home will be featured on hundreds of websites with pictures and videos
Unique Dot Com Address that links to your Property Website!
Virtual Tour Video - An Animated Slideshow of HDR Photos Set to Music
Crystal Clear HDR Quality
Custom, high-quality, brochures that include professional photos and details of your home
Custom, double-sided postcards will be mailed to neighbours and target buyers!
Email listing to agents and buyers
Open Houses with desserts and drinks
The Best Showings Possible
Most buyers make the decision about a house purchase within the first few minutes of seeing the property. The Best Showing makes a great first impression on potential buyers. Our team consists of experienced cleaner, licensed contractor, and staging consultant. We will help you prepare listing smoothly and make it attractive!
Property inspection/pest inspection/roof inspection
Interior design and remodeling/repair
Clean up service
Full staging
Music consideration
Odor elimination